Review: When Opposites Meet

When Opposites Meet When Opposites Meet by Sachin Garg
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Love is a strange thing. It can happen to anyone. It doesn’t matter who that person is. Love knows no logic. It can happen with someone who is like you or totally unlike you. The book is about love of polar opposites.

There are three love stories in the book featuring polar opposites in each.
1. Main story is of Ritwika and Chetan Jadhav. They both suffer from a rare genetic disease. Ritwika is differently abled and wheel chair bound. She is studious, creative and intelligent but very weak and frail physically. Chetan is a wrestler who is accused of using drugs. He is very strong physically but not so bright mentally. They are different like chalk and cheese.

2. Indu Dua is Ritwika’s mother who is very bindass with her. Indu and Ritwika are more like friends than mother daughter. He meets her professor Lokesh who is brilliant scientifically but awkward socially. They also fall for each other.

3. Jayant Arora is Ritwika’s cousin who is an orphan. He is silent and introvert. He meets a mentally unstable girl Aditi Sharma who has a strange disorder. She swallows things which are inedible. She is a chatterbox and can’t stop talking.

The book is paced well and tries to bring forth the love between different people who are fighting their own demons. Ritwika is sad because she is handicapped whereas Chetan is hurt because he is accused of doping. Indu is a widow with a handicapped daughter and depressed nephew and Lokesh is sad because he is trapped in a marriage. Jayant is depressed due to death of his parents and Aditi is sad because of her mental disorder. So it says love can bloom despite all odds and unfortunate circumstances.

Weather love can blossom between opposites can be a matter of debate. But is agree with Sachin Garg on one thing; It is a good thing because they complement each other and make up for each other’s weaknesses.

3.5/ 5 stars.

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