Mona Lisa's Secret by Phil Philips
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The Mons Lisa by Michael Angelo is the most famous painting of the world. What if the painting in the Louvre, Paris is fake.
Joey great grandfather stole the original Mona Lisa. His girlfriend Marie knows Pierre the curator of Louvre. She advises him to return the original to Paris. They fix the return with him on one condition that they return it with after a press conference. It will clear Joey’s family name. But they are double crossed by Pierre once they reach there.
It is claimed that fans of Dan Brown's, da Vinci code will love Phil Philips Mona Lisa's Secret. The story is good initially. But it is stretched too much. The plot is wafer thin. Nothing much happens and the motivations of key characters are childish. So is the tactics employed by Joey and Pierre. Pierre sidekicks though ex-military are all morons. The twist which came (in shape of a hidden code in the paining) was a case of too little too late.
I give the book 3/ 5 stars.
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