Review: The Sherlockian
The Sherlockian by Graham Moore My rating: 0 of 5 stars The problem is the book is that it is directionless. I read it (rather labored through it) and couldn’t understand the point of it all. There are two timelines, which is a drag style in itself. One is in ACD times where he is after a serial killer and Bram Stoker helps ACD. This track is confusing and protracted. The second one is contemporary where avid Sherlock fans known as Sherlockians gather and one of them is killed. A imbecile type fan Harold along with Sarah, a mysterious reporter is hunting for killer. ACD grandson Sebastian Conan Doyle ask Harold to find the diary, which was supposed to be with the victim, for a fee of course. Harold is least likable character. This whole track is a big bore and directionless. The plot is weak and the diary is weakest McGuffin (an object or device in a film or a book which serves merely as a trigger for the plot) ever. What was the great mystery of dia...