My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The story is simple. Mystery is simple. Setting and characters are light unlike now a days. I like the light tone and playfulness of characters. Now the novels are so dark and depressing. Chemistry between Perry and Della is crackling. Paul Drake is very supportive and hapless in front of Perry's antics. Some things remained unanswered and some loose ends were not tied.
Still a very enjoyable story.
Some excerpts:
That's one thing about my husband. No matter what happens, he can sleep like a log. I don't think he ever actually worries about anything. I don't mean by that he isn't concerned over the situation. He simply doesn't worry about it. If he knew he was going to be executed tomorrow, I don't think he'd lose a minute's sleep. He'd simply say, 'Well, if it's going to be that way and there's nothing I can do about it, there's no reason for losing any sleep over it.
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