“The Coffee and the Cola” a novella by Kapil Muzumdar published by Notion press
The Coffee and the Cola: An Ordinary Narrative Built Around an Extraordinary Premise by A Novella by Kapil Muzumdar My rating: 3 of 5 stars I give 6/10 stars to “The Coffee and the Cola” a novella by Kapil Muzumdar published by Notion press. This is a simple love triangle. The author claims that it is “AN ORDINARY NARRATIVE BUILT AROUND AN EXTRAORDINARY PREMISE”. We will come to the premise later. The story starts with Kapil’s musings about a coffee and a café. He is mentor of his friends’ (Umakant and Rama) son Rahul. Umakant and Rama have separated. Kapil has special love for Rahul and he treats him as his own. Rahul meets Radha at the same café and insists on Kapil to be present. Rahul and Radha becomes friendly and soon fall in love. Radha is a traditional girl who wants to save his virginity till her wedding night. This drives them apart and Rahul meets Nora. Nora is exact opposite of Radha. She is bindaas and believe in free sex. She consorts Rahul and help him tide over his...